Not Quite...

the last post in Malaysia...

Sing Yee and I are actually still in KL ha ha because we missed our flight to London on Saturday. It really really wasn't our fault because JPA either told us the time wrongly or they booked the flight at the wrong time. Our flight was supposed to be 12 noon and not 12 midnight but neither of us could do anything because JPA held our passports and flight tickets. Haish... I feel so STRANDED and I'm sure my family and friends who came to send me off felt the same way too.

STRANDED was until yesterday. Now I feel so WOW because God is so good. All economy flights on various airlines to UK are fully booked and to make up for their big blunder, JPA actually bought us business class seats on MAS to Frankfurt where we will then transit to Manchester. It take about the same time and we leave Malaysia tonight ... I'm still WOW!


The WeatherPixie

Fun Stuff

I Read These Too


ATOM 0.3