"Intellectual but BORING"
Published Tuesday, November 15, 2005 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
Yes, those were the words that spilled out of Anand the SP after the buzzer buzzed away twice.
SP : ok, any last questions?
me : urmm... nope 'smile'
SP : ok, the interview with you was very...INTELLECTUAL...
me : huh? 'smile getting bigger'
me : 'smile undergoes autodeflation'
SP : I told you right, i was an olympic weight lifter! Why didn't you ask me about
what type of weights I carried? you should be really excited that an olympic
weight lifter chose to visit your clinic!!!
me : 'fake smile comes on'
I cannot believe this guy!!! Part of me was laughing out loud and the other part desperately wanted to throw him out of the CSU room. I'll show you what weight lifters are made off! Hmph! Thats it, my practice next time will be a non-weightlifter friendly practice.
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