I was having dinner with Suet Yee at 1 utama on sat night after my parents abandoned us for a wedding and Suet Yen ditched us for a party. Hmph! Anyway, decided on Esquire Kitchen thanks to miss prima donna who gets hunger pangs every 10 seconds. I regretted playing nice, big sister and I'll tell you why. Number one, she is such a pain! (God, forgive me)
"HOW can you touch that!!!The waitress just used her dirty thumb on that!!! Go wash your hands, GO WASH YOUR HANDS!!!" It was just one of those promotion dishes thingy and I nicely got lectured. Thank God it was noisy so she was drowned up a bit. "Why is our food late? That couple came after us and they get served first??? What is this??? *@#$%la" Sheesh! Its not like I own Esquire or something but I felt like she was expecting me to go and cause a big hoo-ha. "Oh no...Is that a fly in the food? Is that a fly in the food? AAAARRRGGGHHHH it is!!! @#$%&la!!!" Well this time, it was a FLY in our half eaten fried vege.Sigh...so much for a peaceful dinner...
Well, a silver lining in every cloud? Malaysian idols Daniel, Nita and Farah perked things up a little when they showcased at 1 Utama's giant pelita! I was actually excited though I'm not a fan. Each one rendered 3 songs and Farah actually freaked out a little so she called Nita after "Percayalah". She did however manage another 2 after seeing Nita so confident I guess. When Daniel came up, everyone stood up and really went hyper. I felt a little pity for the other 2 idols. It was really quite clear most of the crowd was here for Danny boy. All three had great voices but at some point, they didn't tie in with the minus-one so there were a few twangs here and there but I still stand firm, Daniel CAN sing. Sure, he's not exactly tall, dark and handsome but at least he proves people he's an idol though I must say, he should interact with the crowd more and by interact I mean not urging your fans to buy your single over and over again. That was it for Saturday!

Come Sunday, finally got a chance to hang out with George, Sup and Pang again at Guy Sebastian's Paradise Live concert at Glad Tidings. Before that, we had really good dinner at some Gasing Chinese Restaurant thanks to Sup's recommendation and after my usual two bowls of rice, we headed for the concert though we weren't really sure where the place was.We trusted our instincts and phew! luckily there was only two options; we ended up in a place called "Glad Tidings" but it was closed and empty. A guard then directed us to another Glad Tidings not too far off that was packed! Thanks to George's "sophisticated" driving and my "expert" potong queue (I really didn;t mean it! Was looking for vickie when i realised we were near the entrance so we entered anyway, ignoring those that queued up.Whoops!), we were not late.

I had a great time but honestly, I was a bit worried for my friends so I decided to keep from jumping although I did bunny hop here and there when the music really got me going. Paradise Live was well... Just so good! They started off with a few sound glitches but after that, everything just flowed. However, I find that it was weird to intercept the concert to collect offerings for the group. It kind of killed the atmosphere a bit but they set sail again with great worship songs and got the crowd up and going in no time.

One thing that struck me was how humble Guy was. He just blended in with the band, lead a song once and that's it. No one was outshined but by God's grace, the whole team shone for Jesus and that is the only thing that matters.
After dropping by at A&W for waffle, rootbeer and tea, Georgie dropped us off and what is a best way to end a star studded weekend? Well, there's always nothing like a star-studded-sleep-till-world-ends kind of slumber.
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