Forced Labour
Published Sunday, August 07, 2005 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
At exactly 9.45 pm on the 28th of July, I was camping out at the maternity ward at the Kuala Kubu Hospital praying I'll get to see a woman in labour. So desperate were my friends and I that we actually went round the ward time and time again until any woman there would rather give birth to appease us. Well, we waited, the nurses waited, the midwife waited but still no baby knocked on the door so we averted our attention onto a one day-old baby in one of the incubators. Clearly, he wasn't doing well and was plagued with a persistant fever. Time ticked by and around 12.30, the missies packed him up into an emergency trolley and after we gave our goodbye kisses, he was rushed of the Selayang Hospital by an ambulance. I wonder how he's doing, whether he has returned to his mummy's arms and whether I'll see him again.
My wish was soon granted. The next day at 1.20 pm we got a call and a baby was on its way!!! We immediately forgot about our half-eaten plates of very very spicy rice, zoomed all the way to the maternity ward and found dozens of pairs of shoes outside the labour room. Gee... It was like the movies and for a moment there, I pitied the woman who was soon to reap her 9-month harvest. Pitied her I did because not only did she have to worry about a heck a lot of people staring at her pubic area, her baby was a big one and boy, did she have to PUUUUUUUUSH!!! 45 minutes into all the groaning and scolding(the nurse actually scolded her when she refused to push!), a big and feisty, blue and purple baby emerged into the world, greeted and remembered by all her strangers forever.
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