Was it just a dream?
Published Monday, July 18, 2005 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
Wow!!! I cannot believe I'm back home in my bed. The comfort, homeliness and usual pace puzzles me for a moment while I try to remember an adventure I had in a dream. My sister barges in, complains of my snoring and sleep-talking but luckily she allows me to continue sitting up in bed.
Yes...Now its all very clear. I was at the airport with my SIB friends. We were all chatting, eating in burger king and in no time, I was walking down from the plane, going past the customs check and stepping for the very first time in Miri, Sarawak. People get thrilled by different things, some by bungee jumping, some by meeting their idols but I was thrilled simply by being there. Then there was a bus ride and I hardly had enough time to take in everything. The roads were clean and jam-free, the houses were huge with trees all around.
The bus stopped for a while and everyone was silenced. We only looked left and upwards. Right there on a hill was a church. It was not clad in fancy glass windows nor was it amazingly huge but somehow, I felt my hair standing and now as I looked back, I realised it was utterly and completely peaceful, overlooking the whole of Miri.
The dream did not stop here as it usually does if I'm enjoying a good dream. Instead, I was in the church and there was a whole lot of Mirians around with us. We were having a good time listening, learning, participating, sharing. Most of all, we were there in the presence of God who loved us and just like children, we played carefree, savouring every moment we had together.
Finally, there was a loud cheer and songs were sang as dancers danced away. Hands were lifted in unison towards an eternal hope, souls risen and hearts united. The dream fades away and I'm looking at myself in the mirror now, ready to brush my teeth. Was it just a dream? No, it was more than that. It was
a dream fulfilled. 
hey hey! lov that pic! =)