CPR Countdown
Published Friday, April 01, 2005 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
Sigh...What would you do if you had 5 hours before a CPR theory exam?? Study?? Sigh... I did that for around two hours when I was suddenly attacked by the Boring Bug.
In fact, I feel so bored I'm not even sure I'm actually retaining what I just read. Oh well, hack it! I thank my lucky stars its an objective paper. Besides what could go wrong?? I'll probably spend 15 minutes cruising through the paper and 15 minutes checking. The rest of it will obviously be used up drawing obsessive smiley faces all over the question paper.
There is a probability though, that the paper is tough, so tough that I will be overcomed by nausea just by staring at the questions. Oh wait a minute!! The passing mark is 84% and right now, I just don't feel too good about it. Oh no...How many compressions per minute is needed for an infant?? Oh great!! I have absolutely no idea. Okay, I think I have just been bitten by the Guilty Bug.
Sigh...Back to the desk for another 2 hours of cramming. Hopefully, more Guilty Bugs will fly my way. Sigh...
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