Not Perfect But Still AWESOMATED!!!

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I finally watched Transformers and I'm blown away. It was a 2 hour plus wicked, adrenaline-pumping ride! Queuing up twice in 2 different cinemas was so worth it. After an unsuccesful attempt at Cineleisure (because someone wanted THX surround sound only), we had to concede with GSC. The half hour queue ended in front of a snobby guy who said 6.15 was sold out and didn't allow us to wait for reserved tickets to be opened. Then we met a beautiful angel, Jacqueline (she was selling tickets at the other end) who allowed us to wait. If you ever see her at GSC, be nice and give her a big smile for me :)

The "Evil Jock's Concubine" who had all the cool moves. The only scene I found cheesy was the part before Whitwicky dashed for the building with All Spark and the ending when they were making out in front of the autobots. What the...

Megatron, the Chief "Evil Energiser Bunny from Hell" died really suddenly too. A little anticlimax because I thought Whitwicky put the cube in Optimus' chest. Maybe they should have filmed him thinking about it first.

But like I said, it was still WICKED!!! My favourite transformer is Bumblebee. He may not have the cool changing effect like Optimus Prime but he's a good guardian, loyal and quick to please (he changed into a sleek cammaro after Mikhael's comments). Originally, he's supposed to transform into a Volkswagon Beetle or Goldbug.

Someone had a high too when KPMG and Deloitte buildings were shown in the last fight. I loved the parts where all the autobots rolled on together. They looked so good and REAL. If my Getz was an autobot, I wonder how he'll look like...(in dreamland). I came out of the movie all smiles, really really high and nearly walked into the Male's Restroom. I think I'm gonna watch it again! IMAX Theathre hopefully.

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