Blending My Hols Away
Published Wednesday, February 08, 2006 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
Sigh...please take the title seriously. As of today, I'm 2 days old in the Starbucks Family and I'm happy. No other words to describe it, I'm happy! Then my logic kicks in and puts in a smart-ass word, "You're a nutcase!" She's a pessimist no doubt but in some ways, she may be right.
Its my hols right? I shouldn't be studying or maybe I should, but thats besides the point. In my entire 2 days, I have been studying like a mad cow. There's this barista file and inside are modules I've been pouring through and they're actually tons of paragraphs i've to read over and over again. The nightmare doesn't end because its followed by tons of question I have to answer in INK! Then my super patient manager painstakingly goes through each of them with me. [SIGH no.1]
Then, there are the recipes. Hot, cold, blended and these three have quite a number of kids which I have to learn how to make in *snap**snap* speed. Yes, I call my drinks kids because I made them! Heck, or because I am nuts. Right now, my speed is more like *snap*-cup floats into my hand-*snap*-brain freezes solid-*no more snaps coz the guys and customers are looking at my dumb expression and thank God, this finally leads to me making the drink, followed by the phrase the guys use. "Oh, she's new!" [Sigh no.2]
This is not the last but I must mention it. The guys which means my collegues which are all male except 2 are really people I look up to. They have every recipe in hand and they make their kids at break-neck speed with an air of pride and gaya, mutu, keunggulan (Now,I'm really nuts) get my point? Sadly, the newbie which means me is s...l...o...w so sometimes, their words and advice seems unintellegible to me because my brain is unable to process it as quickly. Its like I'm Pentium I and they're Pentium IV. I reserve Pentium V for my managers. [Sigh no.3]
I guess this experience is like giving birth. The labour is painful, a lot of pushing needed and I'll probably never stop sighing but when a kid comes out, there's no feeling like it. I am proud of all my kids(10 so far) and being able to make them makes me H...A...P...P...Y!
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