The Shark Who Lost Its Fin
Published Saturday, January 21, 2006 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
I have been an anti-shark fin consumer for 5 years now and I feel compelled to tell the story of a certain beast driven towards extinction by man's greed and mindless perception of luxury.
There are about 400 species of sharks still found in our oceans. The Blue, Hammerhead, Silky, Mako, Thresher and Great White are just some of the sharks serving the death roll. A total of 100 million sharks are murdered every year and this is just the figure of killings reported. Just imagine those that aren't. The victims we are talking about here are snatched from the ocean and their fins are hacked off. Mutated, mutilated and doomed, they are thrown back to drown in a watery grave which was once their home.
All is left are their fins of course but that we will also destroy through countless chinese dinners throughout the world. Hong Kong is the epitome of it all where shark fin is greedily sought after and traded senselessly . Most of us have fallen into a trap, believing in a man-made luxury at the expense of the existance of one of God's creation. Then you may argue that shark fin is nutricious bla bla bla but according to WildAid for CNN dated 4th of July 2001, the concentration of the heavy metal mercury is found in shark fin at levels 42 times of that which is safe to consume.
Mercury is a neurotoxin, a poison which targets the nervous system causing a wide range of presentation from gingivitis, mood swings, personality disorders, tremors, kidney failure, paralysis and death. Whether it comes from pollution or natural sources, microorganisms convert mercury into methylmercury which is deposited into ocean beings like sharks. So here we are having a jolly good time of celebrating over bowls of toxin which we perceive as luxurious and nutricous. However, I cannot deny that it is quite a luxurious method of poisoning ourselves.
Just imagine what it would feel like to have some idiot take hold of you, rip your legs off and dump you aside while they go on to have braise leg soup for dinner. Ask yourselves if you really have to have shark fin this chinese new year. Ask yourselves if you will die without shark fin because I know for certain that sharks can't live without them.
Here's to a Happy, Guiltless, Conscious-free Chinese New Year!!!
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