the 10 things that beat angpows
Published Monday, January 30, 2006 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
1. saw my first Marfan's syndrome guy walking around in a yellow t-shirt in Tesco,Ipoh. I was blown away and actually stalked him for about two rows until i realised i was lost.
2. being able to spend time with my two Sing girls, Isabelle and Emilia. Actually it was more Isabelle because Emilia is currently quite cranky.
3. oh i didn't forget Miss Audrey Cheng, another cousin of mine. She's getting taller and more adultish at the moment. Her old po-po-like antics will keep you laughing the whole year through!
4.biscuits and cookies galore!!! This year saw another addition to the Chan biscuit list namely the Golden Pillows and Rolled-up Love Letters. The pillows were horrible and tasted like cheap cooking oil so i guess only the love letters will stay on for next year.
5. this is weird but i had the privilege of taking down and cleaning antique lamps in my Granpa's house. i was covered with dust but when it was finally done and the light was switched on, it was amazing the way the hall lit up.
6. Having South Indian Rice again! Its absolutely mouth watering and the only time i stopped eating was when my uncles started laughing at me.
7. Eating at Kok Thai. Did you know that they serve the best cod fish with soy souce? :) Its even better than what Passion Road serves.
8. Watching tv without my mom nagging me. Ha Ha because she's too busy swimming at the Mahjong table
9. Eating my grandaunt's vegetarian stew. Its absolutely mouth watering and you can actually finish one whole pot of rice with it!
10.Dressing up and wearing new clothes. Hee hee I actually find it very therapeutic and would recommend it to anyone who is attending an institution with an oppresive dress regulation.
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