Simple Life, Simple Gift
Published Tuesday, March 14, 2006 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 

"Tiga anak Tuhan pergi sekolah minggu..." "Clap clap"...Amazing...That was how I felt as I sat in the middle of the circle. Children all huddled around me, their voices rising stronger and clearer with each strum of guitar. You know the song "Butterfly kisses" where the song goes "After all I have done, I must have done something right..."? That captures my feelings exactly in the dark and stuffy bamboo church. Goosebumps came and went but the faces of the children, the sounds of their laughter and touch of their fingers remains.

It took time to plan, an exhausting 2 hr thrill ride on a hi lux and an upward climb to reach the village but as I sat there watching kids run barefoot glancing shyly at me, I knew that what I experiencing will never equal the energy consumed. It was a gift from God, a simple and powerful one which I knew spoke to 7 friends. The gift was not an elective well done or camera opportunities but the experience of giving to receive something far better than what we gave.
Something as simple as spending time with a child who does not even know what birthday is, sharing Mamee Monster to a girl who eats tapioca daily, shaking the hand of a boy who has to fight with 5 siblings for parental affection, singing a song with children who do not know the meaning of material wealth but freely shares with you the gift of abundant joy.
Even as I sit and type amidst all the comforts of my home, I am still in awe of the people of Jangkap. The smell of wild boar, the taste of their tea and rice still lingers as unpleasant on my tastebuds but it was their best. They gave us their very best and this humbles me. Did I give them all I could have? Sure, the toothbrushes and toothpastes, snacks, paper, colour pencils did cost something but it wasn't my best and yet their joy and gratitude leaps out free flow.
Now I wonder what Mesra and Ija are doing? Is Ludut still singing his beautiful song of a secret language? Is it cold up there? Are the chickens still cooing for no reason? Is Benny sitting outside his home, strumming on his guitar to the cool winds? Is Lok Lot going to use the tissue and tape I gave him? Is his wife sleeping on Callista's pillow? Simple questions to a simple life I experienced for 3 days and a simple gift I came home with.
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