A Place Like No Other
Published Wednesday, February 09, 2005 by The Rice Pot | E-mail this post 
Its the time of the year and I'm in a place like no other!! A few days hiatus from blogging did me good as I had all the time in the world to catch up on good food and good sleep. Although Ipoh is viewed by many as a sleepy town, it is simply the place where you find food, GLORIOUS FOOD!
My stomach had hardly enough time to digest everything I've poured in the last few days but this has not stopped me from pouring in more! With pastries that crumble in your mouth, dishes which not just fills but satisfies, bits of tidbits which come with an assortment of aromas, you simply cannot resist. Ah yes!! I nearly forgot to mention the drink that completes it all, Shandy!!
Shandy, shandy, shandy,shandy...All the shandy in the world that is mine for drinking. Chinese New Year is the only time in the year where I can drink Shandy without my parents nagging me about alcoholism. Well, they still do but I don't care and someone needs to drink it anyway. Why can't it be me??Ha ha ha, I feel a teeny bit whoozy though so I guess its time for more Shandy! Have a jolly good Shandy-licious New Year Folks!!
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